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Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Am Your God!

As the Christmas season rolls around, it's so easy to think of gifts, holiday cheer and forget the real reason for the season and its not just that Jesus is born, its what his birth represented. You see long before Jesus, we had to make animal sacrfices for our sins, and the priests had to go in pure and holy behind the veil to meet with God. Now we have the privilege to go into his temple freely with reverence, and we have the privilege to pray to our God. Moreover, we dont make animal sacrifices, we repent and ask our Savior, Jesus to cleanse us with his powerful blood. Its so easy to forget how privileged we are when we're on this side of the world. I was sharing this with my young girls in my Sunday class at Church yesterday, and one of the little girls whose family is from the Philipines, shared how in the Philippines, they arent allowed to even say the name of Jesus or profess their faith.  In this holiday season, as we pray and we seek the Lord, let us not forget what a privilege it is to be counted as sons and daughters of a MOST HIGH GOD! He is El Elyon and he has hand picked you for such a time as this. Let us be reminded that we are not here for ourselves, he has given each of us talents and gifts. This reminds me of the parable where Farmer gave each three men seeds, while two of them doubled their seeds the other one made excuses of why he kept his. No gift or talent too little or small is a good enough excuse for not using them. God has equipped you for where you are at. Share the gospel this Christmas. I explained to my little girls yesterday, I dont want to see any of our friends and family die and go to hell. These days people are dying young. God wants them apart of his family.
 Finally, as I prayed this morning and repented for not appreciating and taking advanatage of God. I heard him whisper to me I am YOUR GOD! He is your LORD. HE is your KING, HE alone is Your Eternal Father and Husband. and I was led to the following verses. Let us refocus this Christmas on the JOYS of knowing GOD and let us SHARE our Faith and remember he is YOUR God!

Leviticus 26
1 "Don't make idols for yourselves; don't set up an image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and don't place a carved stone in your land that you can bow down to in worship. I am God, your God.
 2 "Keep my Sabbaths; treat my Sanctuary with reverence. I am God.

11-13 "I'll set up my residence in your neighborhood; I won't avoid or shun you; I'll stroll through your streets. I'll be your God; you'll be my people. I am God, your personal God who rescued you from Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians. I ripped off the harness of your slavery so that you can move about freely.
Isaiah 41 :  8-10"But you, Israel, are my servant.
   You're Jacob, my first choice,
   descendants of my good friend Abraham.
I pulled you in from all over the world,
   called you in from every dark corner of the earth,
Telling you, 'You're my servant, serving on my side.
   I've picked you. I haven't dropped you.'
Don't panic. I'm with you.
   There's no need to fear for I'm your God.
I'll give you strength. I'll help you.
   I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
 11-13"Count on it: Everyone who had it in for you
   will end up out in the cold—
   real losers.
Those who worked against you
   will end up empty-handed—
   nothing to show for their lives.
When you go out looking for your old adversaries
   you won't find them—
Not a trace of your old enemies,
   not even a memory.
That's right. Because I, your God,
   have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting go.
I'm telling you, 'Don't panic.
   I'm right here to help you.'
 14-16"Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob?
   Don't be afraid.
Feel like a fragile insect, Israel?
   I'll help you.
I, God, want to reassure you.
   The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
I'm transforming you from worm to harrow,
   from insect to iron.

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